Life Insurance Agent
Clients rely on trusted professionals such as life insurance advisors to provide objective guidance and recommendations. At LSNW, we understand the importance of serving your clients, protecting your reputation, and protecting or growing the assets of your clients.
Agents are in an excellent position to consider opportunities where a life settlement maybe the best choice for their client. Over time, a client’s circumstances change and a life insurance policy may no longer be needed, may be too expensive or the client may have other priorities. Any agent with a client that is about to lapse or surrender a policy should consider a life insurance settlement. Life insurance settlements offer the opportunity to turn an asset that is no longer needed into significantly more money than the cash surrender value.
Life Insurance Agents Benefit by Partnering with LSNW
- Retain earning potential on policies that would otherwise lapse by leveraging term conversions or simply keeping the policy in force.
- Earn additional income by facilitating the sale of your senior client’s policy.
- Recommend the purchase of additional life insurance, other insurance or financial products from the sale proceeds of the original policy.
- Partner with a life insurance settlement expert to guide you through required life settlement disclosure laws in Washington and Oregon.
- Assure that your client evaluates all options and receives maximum value.
Why Partner With LSNW?
LSNW enables you and your clients to immediately leverage proven working relationships with a large network of over 20 of most highly capitalized funding sources. Our network partners are the leaders in the life settlement industry. Our process and relationships insures that your clients can be confident about clearly understanding their options and securing the highest price for their policy. As an expert in life settlements, LSNW handles the complex and sometimes time consuming work allowing you to focus on your clients overall insurance or financial needs.
Contact us today to discuss your client’s situation and see if a life settlement makes sense.
Interesting Points For Life Insurance Agents
- Dangerous Liabilities Lurk for Families and Advisors in Long Term Care Planning
- What UL Policyholders Should Know about Life Settlements
- Retirees Stung by ‘Universal Life’ Cost”
- Disclosure of Settlement Option: Many states have now passed the NCOIL Model Disclosure Law which requires insurers to inform senior policy owners who are about to surrender or lapse a policy that a life settlement option exists. This is a significant development that was passed in both Washington (RCW 48.102.100) and Oregon. If you are a life insurance agent operating in these states do you know about the disclosure requirements? At LSNW, as experts in life settlements we are here to help you and your client successfully navigate these sometimes complex and time consuming transactions.

Portrait of a businessman in front of his office
Senior clients rely on trusted professionals such as Attorneys to provide objective guidance and recommendations. At LSNW, we understand the importance of serving your clients, protecting your reputation, and protecting or growing your client’s assets.
If you are an attorney handling estate, trust or financial planning issues your senior clients may benefit from consulting with a life settlement broker. If you work with businesses, charitable organizations and individuals you are in a unique position to educate your clients on life settlements. As needs emerge among seniors for Long Term Care, Retirement Income and Lifestyle Protection, many are seeking alternative funding solutions. When a senior client’s circumstances change, a life insurance policy may no longer be needed, affordable or your client may have other priorities.
While a life insurance settlement may not be the best option for some clients, it certainly is a valuable option for others. Any attorney with a client that is about to lapse or surrender a policy should consider consulting a life insurance settlement broker. By simply integrating the critical step of life insurance valuation, opportunities to generate significant and short-term liquidity may become possible. Imagine if your client was able to generate a lump sum as opposed to simply letting the policy lapse for little or no money.
Life insurance settlements offer the opportunity for a client to:
Individual Applications
- Purchase long-term care insurance
- Create funds for a charitable gift or help a family member
- Fund a life insurance product that better suits current wants or needs and is more cost effective
- Estate size changes, creating the need for larger or smaller death benefit to cover taxes
- Create liquidity to invest elsewhere
- Retire debts
Business Applications
- Key-man insurance is no longer needed after retirement
- Buy/Sell agreement is no longer needed due to the sale of the company
- Bankruptcy creates the need for liquidity
- Retire a company debt
Why Partner with LSNW
- Identify hidden assets (personal or business life insurance) to fund your client’s retirement, medical care, grandkids education, or other family priorities.
- Assure that your client evaluates all options and receives maximum value.
- Save your client money by reducing unnecessary life insurance provider premium costs due to estate tax changes (ATRA 2012).
- Partner with a life insurance settlement broker to help guide you through the life settlement disclosure laws.
LSNW enables you and your clients to immediately leverage proven working relationships with a large network of over 20 of most highly capitalized funding sources. Our network partners are the leaders in the life settlement industry.
Our process and relationships insures that your clients can be confident about clearly understanding their options and securing the highest price for their policy. As an expert in life settlements, LSNW handles the complex and sometimes time consuming work allowing you to focus on your client’s overall estate or other planning needs.
Interesting Points For Attorneys
- Dangerous Liabilities Lurk for Families and Advisors in Long Term Care Planning
- Life Settlements: Cash for Your Life Insurance Policy
- Knowing the Hard Truths About Life Settlements Can Capture Money in Motion
- Life Insurance is an asset that requires the same consideration and review as all of your client’s other investments.
- A 2010 study of seniors over 65, reported by the Insurance Studies Institute, revealed that 90% of seniors who lapsed a policy would have considered a life settlement if they had been aware of the possibility.
- A 2012 survey prepared for The Lifeline Program (conducted by ICR) indicated that 79 percent of clients feel advisors should inform them about the life settlement option.
- Disclosure of Settlement Option: Many states have now passed the NCOIL Model Disclosure Law which requires insurers to inform senior policy owners who are about to surrender or lapse a policy that a life settlement option exists. This is a significant development that was passed in both Washington (RCW 48.102.100) and Oregon. If you are a life insurance agent operating in these states do you know about the disclosure requirements? At LSNW, as experts in life settlements we are here to help you and your client successfully navigate these sometimes complex and time consuming transactions.
- The legal basis for life settlements is found in the Grigsby v. Russell decision from the U.S. Supreme Court in 1911, where it ruled that life insurance is just like any other private property you own and can therefore be sold.
Financial Professional

Retired Senior Couple Sitting On Sofa Talking To Financial Advisor
Clients rely on trusted professionals such as financial advisors, CPA’s, and wealth managers to provide objective guidance and recommendations. At LSNW, we understand the importance of serving your clients, protecting your reputation, and your client’s assets. Financial advisors are in a unique position to advise their client of the benefits of a Life Settlement. If you represent seniors who have life insurance policies, your client may benefit from a life settlement.
As your client’s life circumstances change so may their need for a life insurance policy, their ability to afford increasing premiums or their priorities. Any life insurance advisor with a client that is about to lapse or surrender a policy should consider a life insurance settlement. By simply integrating the critical step of life insurance valuation, opportunities to generate significant and short-term liquidity may become possible. Imagine if your client was able to generate a lump sum that enabled them to allocate funds to other areas of their financial plan.
Many financial advisors recognize the importance of a Life Settlement when it comes to supporting their elderly clients estate plan, providing a solution to financial goals or simply exiting a no longer needed or expensive policy.
Why Partner With LSNW?
- Identify hidden assets (personal or business life insurance) to fund your client’s retirement, medical care, grandkids education, or other family priorities.
- Save your client money by reducing unnecessary life insurance provider premium costs due to estate tax changes (ATRA 2012).
- Generate additional cash value for investment opportunities.
- Partner with a life insurance settlement expert to help guide you through the life settlement disclosure laws.
- Assure that your client evaluates all options and receives maximum value
Life settlements present an opportunity for your clients to liquidate an asset and put new cash to work for either their cash flow needs or for other investments you may wish to recommend. This provides a vehicle for financial advisors to advance client portfolios and bring more assets under management.
Contact us today to discuss your client’s situation and see if a life settlement makes sense.
Interesting Points For Financial Professionals
- Survey Shows Life Settlements Remain Misunderstood
- Dangerous Liabilities Lurk for Families and Advisors in Long Term Care Planning
- Three New Reasons for Life Settlements
- Life Insurance is an asset that requires the same consideration and review as all of your client’s other investments.
- A 2012 survey prepared for The Lifeline Program (conducted by ICR) indicated that 79 percent of clients feel advisors should inform them about the life settlement option.
- A 2010 study of seniors over 65, reported by the Insurance Studies Institute, revealed that 90% of seniors who lapsed a policy would have considered a life settlement if they had been aware of the possibility.
- According to a June 2013 London Business School Report, life settlements pay policy owners on average more than four times what they would receive from surrendering their policy to the life insurance company. “Overall, the evidence suggests that the life settlement market has helped significantly in enhancing the welfare of policy owners who, instead of surrendering, sold their policies in the secondary market.”
- As accountants pay increased attention to evaluating the performance of a client’s life insurance portfolio, life insurance is becoming recognized as a “buy and manage” asset rather than as a “buy and hold” asset.
Senior Care Professional

Portrait Of Female Consultant In Hospital Reception
Senior clients rely on trusted professionals such as Elder Care Consultants, Assisted Living Providers, Long Term Care providers and others for their objective guidance and recommendations. At LSNW, we understand the importance of serving your clients, protecting your reputation, and preserving your client’s assets.
As more seniors face the increasing costs of health care many of them are learning about life settlements and structured settlements as a potential private pay solution. Over time, a senior’s circumstances change and a life insurance policy may no longer be needed, may be too expensive or the senior may have other priorities. Today there are over 38 million policies owned by seniors worth over $3 trillion.
Senior Care providers and advisors are in a unique position to help seniors understand that they may benefit from a life settlement. As a Life Settlement Advisor, we provide expertise to you and your client to evaluate options, receive a free no obligation appraisal, and assure that your client receives maximum value for their assets.
Benefits to partnering with LSNW?
- Competitive differentiation – helping your clients turn unwanted or unaffordable life insurance policies into new cash can be a powerful way to differentiate yourself from other providers or advisors
- Obtain new clients – by recommending a creative and safe financial planning option to potential clients, you may increase the number of seniors that can afford your services.
- Build trust with families – serving as a trusted advisor who presents clients with a full range of supplemental retirement income options will help cement relationships with those individuals and their family members.
A life settlement is an important addition to a senior advisor’s toolbox of financial planning options. By selling your clients’ life insurance policies through a “secondary market” to institutional investors, they can benefit from their life insurance today and use that cash for their immediate needs.
Why Choose LSNW As Your Life Settlement Partner?
LSNW enables you and your clients to immediately leverage proven working relationships with a large network of over 20 of most highly capitalized funding sources. Our network partners are the leaders in the life settlement industry. Our process and relationships insures that your clients can be confident in getting the highest possible price. As an expert in life settlements, LSNW handles the complex and sometimes time consuming work allowing you to focus on your clients overall needs.
Contact us today to discuss your client’s situation and see if a life settlement makes sense.
Interesting Points For Senior Care Professionals
- Funding Long Term Care with Life Insurance: Trend Catches On
- Dangerous Liabilities Lurk for Families and Advisors in Long Term Care Planning
- A 2010 study of seniors over 65, reported by the Insurance Studies Institute, revealed that 90% of seniors who lapsed a policy would have considered a life settlement if they had been aware of the possibility.
- A 2012 survey prepared for The Lifeline Program (conducted by ICR) indicated that 79 percent of clients feel advisors should inform them about the life settlement option
- “Needless to say, seniors are looking for ways to bolster their sagging savings. Often they find that the most valuable asset they can afford to part with is their life insurance policy, which can have substantial cash value. New alternatives have become available for those who no longer have a need for their life insurance policy. One of them is the life settlement business, a burgeoning multi-billion dollar industry that has exploded in recent years. Life settlements can be a worthy alternative for seniors who are considering the sale of their life insurance policy, and offer a higher payment than the cash surrender value offered by the insurance company.”
Senator Herb Kohl special committee on aging 2009
Trustee or Banker

Portrait of a smiling businessman
Senior clients rely on trusted professionals such as Trustees and Bankers to provide objective guidance and recommendations. At LSNW, we understand the importance of serving your clients, protecting your reputation, and protecting your client’s assets.
Irrevocable life insurance trusts (ILITs) have offered an excellent way to help seniors preserve their wealth and manage future estate taxes. Recent changes in estate tax laws may make the policies less important to the overall financial plan of the beneficiary. Today policies owned in Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts are estimated to account for over 50 percent of the policies reviewed for life settlements. Overtime, these policies in trusts may decrease from their originally targeted performance, become outdated or underfunded, or the client’s needs may change. It’s not unusual for an underperforming policy to suddenly need additional funding or for the policy to lapse. This results in an expedient exercise to decide what to do next – fund or not fund.
If you are the trustee for a life insurance trust or provide guidance to your clients regarding their insurance, a life settlement may be a preferred exit strategy for your client as opposed to allowing the policy to expire or continue paying expensive premiums. Any Trustee with a client that is about to lapse or surrender a policy should consider a life insurance settlement.
Benefits To You
We provide a free no obligation appraisal of the Trust or clients life insurance policy. The Trustee then has the policies market value and can make a more informed decision regarding the potential sale or retention of the policy.
This additional information causes many Trustees to sell an older underperforming policy and replace it with less expensive better-designed coverage.
Why Partner with LSNW?
- Assure that your client evaluates all options and receives maximum value.
- Save your client money by reducing unnecessary life insurance provider premium costs due to estate tax changes (ATRA 2012).
- Identify hidden assets (personal or business life insurance) to fund your senior client’s retirement, medical care, grandkids education, or other family priorities.
- Partner with a life insurance settlement broker to help guide you through the life settlement disclosure laws.
Interesting Points For Trustees & Bankers
- What Accountants Should Know about Life Insurance Policy Evaluations
- Dangerous Liabilities Lurk for Families and Advisors in Long Term Care Planning
- Life Insurance Liquidation and Other Key Trends
- A 2012 survey prepared for The Lifeline Program (conducted by ICR) indicated that 79 percent of clients feel advisors should inform them about the life settlement option.
- A 2010 study of seniors over 65, reported by the Insurance Studies Institute, revealed that 90% of seniors who lapsed a policy would have considered a life settlement if they had been aware of the possibility.
We Are Here To Partner With You
Clients rely on trusted professionals to provide objective guidance and recommendations. Many times as an Advisor you are required to guide decisions that are in your clients’ best interest. We understand the importance of serving your clients, protecting your reputation, and growing the assets of all parties.
Prior to a regulated and transparent Secondary Market, there were limited options when determining how to value, transfer, or exit a client’s life insurance policy. The development of a secondary market for life insurance settlements and other assets has shifted the paradigm of how advisors and clients think about life insurance, planning, and maximizing liquidity.
By simply integrating the critical step of life insurance valuation, opportunities to generate increased liquidity are possible. Imagine if your client was able to generate a lump sum that enabled them to allocate funds to other areas of their financial plan or fund immediate financial needs.
As a Life Settlement Advisor, we provide expertise to you and your client to evaluate options, obtain a free no obligation life insurance policy appraisal and assure that your client receives maximum value for their policy.
We understand the trusting relationship that you as an Advisor have built over the years. We are here to partner with you and your client to discover the best options and solution.
Helpful Article: Don’t Get Confused, Life Settlements Are Safe & Regulated
Interesting Points For Advisors
- A 2010 study of seniors over 65, reported by the Insurance Studies Institute, revealed that 90% of seniors who lapsed a policy would have considered a life settlement if they had been aware of the possibility.
- A 2012 survey prepared for The Lifeline Program (conducted by ICR) indicated that 79 percent of clients feel advisors should inform them about the life settlement option.
- “Needless to say, seniors are looking for ways to bolster their sagging savings. Often they find that the most valuable asset they can afford to part with is their life insurance policy, which can have substantial cash value. New alternatives have become available for those who no longer have a need for their life insurance policy. One of them is the life settlement business, a burgeoning multi-billion dollar industry that has exploded in recent years. Life settlements can be a worthy alternative for seniors who are considering the sale of their life insurance policy, and offer a higher payment than the cash surrender value offered by the insurance company.”Senator Herb Kohl, Special Committee On Aging 2009
Consider Asking Your Clients These Questions
- Is your client considering “lapsing” or “surrendering” his or her policy for any reason?
- Can your client continue to afford the premium payments on his or her policy?
- Does your client currently need the policy, or has he or she outlived the beneficiary?
- Has the estate plan changed?
- Does your client need additional liquidity?
- Is your client’s insurance policy under-performing?
- Are there other investments your client would be well served to take advantage of?
- Is it in your client’s best interest to purchase a newer and more efficient policy?
- Is there a family member or members your client would like to assist financially?
- Is the policy a “key man” policy no longer needed for business?
Did You Know?
- Life settlements have become an important aspect of seniors financial planning. Today, 85% of universal policies and 95% of term policies never pay a death benefit.
- Americans 65 and older forfeit $112 billion in benefits annually from lapsing or surrendering their life insurance policy.
- The General Accountability Office found insured’s that completed a life settlement received on average 7 times more that the cash surrender value (GAO Report-10-775)
Success Stories
For Senior Care Pros

Beth’s Story In Brief
- $500,000 policy
- Cash surrender value $1,800
- Annual premiums $17,000
- Final settlement amount $103,000
The Background
Beth is an 81 year old female who owns a $500,000 universal life insurance policy. The cash surrender value was $1,800 and the annual premiums were $17,000.
The Problem or Challenge
Funding Long Term Care
Recently, Beth moved into a long term care facility which cost $5,000 a month. These additional care costs were creating a financial stress for the family.
The Solution
Beth received a free no obligations appraisal of her policy and elected to sell for $103,000 receiving over $100,000 more than her insurance company would pay.
For Attorneys & Financial Pros

Mark’s Story In Brief
- $1.5 million policy
- Cash Surrender Value $35,000
- Annual Premiums $52,000
- Final settlement amount $196,000
The Background
Mark is a 79 year-old male who owned a universal life policy with a face amount of $1.5 million. The cash surrender value was $35,000 and the annual premiums were $52,000.
The Problem or Challenge
Estate Tax Rules Changed, Policy No Longer Needed
Originally, Mark’s policy was purchased for estate preservation. However, since the estate tax rules had recently changed the policy was no longer needed. Mark’s plan was to surrender the policy for the cash surrender value.
The Solution
Mark received $196,000 or $161,000 more than his insurance company would pay.
For Life Insurance Agents

Bill’s Story In Brief
- $1,250,000 policy
- Cash Surrender Value $0
- Annual premiums $26,250
- Final settlement amount $312,500.
The Background
Bill is a 73 year old Executive who had a term policy with a face amount of $1.25 million. The cash surrender value was $0 and the annual premiums were $26,250. The policy was convertible to a UL policy up until age 75.
The Problem or Challenge
Term Policy Expiring, No Cash Surrender Value
The Executive was retiring, no longer needed the policy and did not want to continue paying the premiums. The Executive was going to cancel the policy.
The Solution
As part of the life settlement, the term policy was converted to a Universal policy and sold for $312,500.
Take The Next Step Today
To find out if you qualify for a life settlement,
please complete our brief 5 minute questionnaire.